14 & 15 MAI 2025 : Cosmetotest

Cosmetin Lyon et Skinobs organisent la 4ème édition de Cosmetotest, le symposium sur les tests cliniques et précliniques les 14 et 15 Mai 2025 à l’ENS Monod

Exploring the efficacy of dermocosmetic products in addressing hyperpigmentation in subjects with higher phototypes: multicentric studies

In Vivo Characterization of Facial and Hand Hyperpigmentation Spots: Surface and Depth Insights

Influence of ingredients on foundation wear using an in vitro instrumental method
Aurélie BANCO I Co-Lab-Ora

I Canfield Scientific

I Cortex Technology

I Miravex Limited

I Pixience

Assessment of the deleterious effect of an air pollutant, nitrogen dioxide, on the cutaneous microbiota
Marc FEUILLOLEY I Université de Caen

Corynebacterium cassirii, a newly discovered skin commensal with anti-aging properties
Valérie CENIZO I L’Occitane

I Byome Labs

Skin vascularization
Regulation pathways of cutaneous microcirculation: effect of ageing
Bérengère FROMY I LBTI

Evaluating angiogenesis in cosmetics using the chicken CAM assay
Chloé PRUNIER I Inovotion

Exposome & Pollution
Quantitative assessment of mitochondrial morphology for evaluation of skin cell health in exposome and claim substantiation studies
Abdel AOUACHERIA I CNRS Montpellier

A 3D immunocompetent human skin model as a platform for efficacy testing
Marie-Li CANAL I Evonik

Connected camera for epi-aging and anti-aging cosmetics: an innovative at-home study on monozygotic twins
Thomas NAPPEZ I Connected Physics

Microbiopsies as an innovative tool to unlock new insights within standard clinical studies
Stewart LONG I Cutest

I Dr Goya Analisis

I OxiProteomics

I SciBase

I OxiProteomics


S’inscrire en ligne à tarif préférentiel 


Ils se sont inscrits : Alpol Cosmétique I SGS France I Symrise I Pierre Fabre I BioMeca I Gattefossé I Estilab I Naos I Ashland I Bio-Me I Soredec I Minasolve I Albhades I Mibelle AG Biochemistry I Naemos I

Les exposants : Byome Labs I Canfield Scientific I Cortex Technology I Damae Medical I Delphin Technologies I Dermaclaim I Dr Goya Analisis I Dwi Labs I Eurofins Cosmetics & Personal Care I Eotech I GenEvolutioN I Horiba I Inovapotek I Microfactory I Miravex Limited I Novitom I OxiProteomics I PhD Trials I Pixience I PKDERM I RiverD I SciBase I SGS Proderm I Zurko Research